I was raised in Louisville, Kentucky, moved around a bit (California, Missouri), and now live in Portland, Maine, with my woodworking/ artist husband Adam Stockman, and our daughter.

LUNGFISH is my first novel. I also write short fiction, which has appeared in great places like Salamander, Nat. Brut, fields, New Letters, The Rattling Wall, and North by Northeast: New short fiction by Writers from Maine and New England.

I first studied studio art, then photojournalism, then attended the Bennington Writing Seminars, where I studied fiction and earned my MFA.

I’m interested in the ways non-traditional voices are entering the literary landscape—how real constraints and the necessary contortions inform practice and ultimately change the literature being written. I’m interested, especially, in the rise of the voice of mothers.

I’ve had the honor of being a resident at the Hewnoaks Artist Colony and have been, among other things, a journalist, a bookstore owner, an outreach librarian, and a pandemic-era nursing unit secretary.